
“Pérégrination radiophoniques et Sonifications électroencéphalographiques”

A one-hour live radio program for the online festival Transformation II (curated by 1+1=3).

Summary of the performances, EEG Synth blog (2020)

P-node archives of the antivirus radio program (2020)


with Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot, and Nicolas Montgermont

Experimentation and design of an artificial intelligence combining neural networks, computer vision, and natural language processing for computational dystopian poetry.


Digital prize for the writing residency at Chalet Mauriac (2018)

Device for Multimedia and Digital Artistic Creation (DICRéAM, 2019)


with David Guez

Collective Intelligence meets Artificial Intelligence & Wearable Technology.

Various notes (MyOwnDocumenta, 2020)

Organoïde (Institut Pasteur, 2019)


Live performance at La Société de Curiosités. It was an experiment for both the public and the performers. Not being used to improvisation at such a collective scale, I felt initially a little worry. But since being friends before being performers, this made a huge difference in the way to approach the Unknown. The initial instructions appeared somehow fuzzy to me but, in the end, it allowed my intuition to unfold, to develop, and take more space. This made me realized how all the technical skills for live performance developed through past experiences were still here but were living on their own… I guess that’s what freedom and flow is about.

Website & photos (2017)



Phi (subtitled in English)

A scientific short film I co-directed with my friend Luc Halard, staring Sarah Amar and Stephanie Boubli, on a music by Jordan Quiqueret and Frederic Benmussa. Jury Award 2011 of the French young scientific short film festival “Les chercheurs font leur cinéma”, exequo with “Qui sème de la poussière, récolte du phytoplancton” of Alexie Heimburger and Fanny Mazoyer. Jury Award 2013 for the most creative handling of a neuroscientific topic at the Neurovision Film Contest of the Bernstein Conference (Germany).


Droneuro is an audio neurofeedback experiment combining OpenBCI with some homemade software to turn brainwaves into soundscapes. It is part of an ongoing collaboration with Julien Laroche. It has been featured as one of the top 10 projects of the OpenBCI community.

Cahier des Limbes

An art installation mixing neurofeedback and virtual reality co-realized with Luc Halard for the exhibition “Elukubr“(Oct 28th – Nov 14th 2010). Four different versions were made with the collective Supernova in the following years.